Wednesday, November 14, 2007

How are diamonds mined?

Alluvial Mining

I don’t know about you, but I seldom think about how the diamonds that I wear came to me. After learning a little bit about it, I shall share it with you. Natural diamonds, as opposed to synthetic diamonds or fake diamonds, are mined from the earth. Currently, there are two methods of mining diamonds: Pipe Mining and Alluvial Mining.

When pipe mining is used, the diamonds are extracted from the earth through volcanic pipes. Mind you, these aren’t man-made pipes. These are natural pipes in the ground. Shanks are put into the ground next to the pipes, and tunnels are driven into the deepest parts of the pipe. The diamonds however are not sorted out at the mine. Instead, huge rocks that are full of diamonds are brought out of the mine and moved to a screening plant for separation.

The Alluvial mining method is done in riverbeds and on beaches. Walls are built to hold back the water and the sand on the bank or beach is moved with a bulldozer until the level of earth that diamonds can be found in is reached. Again, the diamonds are not sorted here. Instead, the sand that contains the diamonds is bulldozed into trucks, and taken to screening plants.

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