Thursday, November 8, 2007

How Special a Diamond is..

When we walk into a jewelry store and see all the diamond on the display, it’s easy to forget the fact that diamonds are a truly rare stone. Not to mention that, most people don’t even know or even wonder about how long the journey is for a diamond before it settles in the jeweler’s case!

For every one million diamonds that were mined, only one will be found that is a quality of one carat diamond. In order to find a two carat diamond, about five million diamonds must be mined. More than two hundred tons of ore must be mined to find one small diamond, and even then, more than 80% of the diamonds that are mined are only good for industrial use, such as diamond drill bits.

So, the next time you visit the jewelry store, don’t hesitate to ask to see the one carat diamonds. You should look at this diamond with new appreciation, now that you know that it truly is one in a million!

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